Animate measured structural vibration...
Our Software
We make software for visualizing vibration. Clear Motion ODS is a program for animating
measured vibration. It is designed for animation of both Operating Deflection Shape (ODS) as
well as Impact Response measurements. Our other product (Clear Motion DAQ) is
a program for collecting ODS/Impact Response data with a tablet PC or laptop.
What is an Operating Deflection Shape (ODS)?
An Operating Deflection Shape (or ODS) consists of vibration measurements taken at
various points on a machine or structure. The measurements are taken while the machine is
operating. Clear Motion ODS is a software package designed for building structural models,
and applying measured values to the models to generate animations of the structural motion.
What is an ODS used for?
An ODS has many uses:
- To troubleshoot equipment failures caused by vibration.
- To help identify potential vibration problems before a failure occurs.
- To help determine the presence of structural defects (loose or broken bolts,
cracked supports, etc.)
- To identify the effects of different operating conditions or machine vibration.
- To help understand and document the vibrating motion of any machine or structure.
What is an Impact Response?
An impact response measurement consists of one or more vibration measurements on a structure.
Unlike an ODS, an impact response measurement is taken when the machine is not in operation.
Instead, the measured vibration is in response to a hammer impact on the machine.
What is an Impact Response used for?
When a structure is impacted, it will respond at the structure natural frequencies.
The shape of the vibration will correspond to the modeshapes of the structure.
- The natural freuqencies determined from the impact response can be compared to
typical excitation frequencies of the equipment. If natural frequencies are close
to excitation frequencies, the vibration will be amplified.
- The mode shapes can be compared to the ODS measurements for a system to determine if
mechanical resonance is a significant factor in operating vibration.
- The mode shapes show locations of high stress (significant bending).